
February 2020 – theater lecture ‘f*** that insecurity!’ by Vreneli Stadelmaier

February 2020 – theater lecture ‘f*** that insecurity!’ by Vreneli Stadelmaier

The WGE committee Netherlands had their second meeting on the 20th of February, sponsored by EAGE, GAIA and Delft University of Technology. Vréneli Stadelmaier, author of the book ‘Yes, she’s smart’, gave a theater lecture on the Imposter Syndrome. Famous sufferers of this syndrome are Albert Einstein, Meryl Streep and Michelle Obama. The syndrome is significantly more prevalent in women compared to men, and she explained why along videos and anecdotes of her personal life. She started by showing how nurture makes women more susceptible to this syndrome. The most striking example was a video in which girls below the age of 10 and teenage girls were asked to behave like a girl. While girls below the age of 10 displayed powerful gestures and poses, teenage girls displayed behavior that can only be described as what we perceive as stereotypical girl behavior. Next, she looked at the nature aspect of the story, namely the different effects of the hormones estrogen and testosterone in our bodies. She finished by talking about how we can recognize and conquer the Imposter Syndrome, both women and men. The first step is to become aware of the parrot on your shoulder that tells you that you cannot do it, that others are better or that you only achieved things in life because of luck. Next: shut up that parrot!


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