
Global Gender Gap Report 2022

Last month, the Global Gender Gap Report 2022 was released. You can check all the documents and data by clicking on this link. We bring you some key findings from the report:

  • The country with the smallest gap is Iceland, followed by Finland, Norway, New Zealand and Sweden. The first African country in the list is Rwanda (6) and the first South American one is Nicaragua (7). The Netherlands is located in position 28th, behind many European countries like Germany, Belgium, France, and Spain.
  • In 2022, the global gender gap has been closed by 68.1%. At the current rate of progress, it will take 132 years to reach full parity. This means an improvement from the data of 2021, but still, does not reach the values achieved in 2020. There was a generational loss between 2020 and 2021 trigerred by the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Across the 146 countries covered by the 2022 index, the Health and Survival gender gap has closed by 95.8%, Educational Attainment by 94.4%, Economic Participation and Opportunity by 60.3% and Political Empowerment by 22%.
  • North America is the most advanced region in terms of closing the gender gap. The population-weighted average score for the region is 76.9%, which reduces the number of years it will take to close the gap from 62 to 59 years.
  • South Asia ranks the lowest, with only 62.3% of the gender gap closed in 2022. This lack of progress since the last edition extends the wait to close the gender gap to 197 years
  • Gender gaps in leadership by industry: The share of women hired into leadership roles has seen a steady increase, from 33.3% in 2016 to 36.9% in 2022. Women's representation in leadership in 2022 for the energy sector is one of the lowest (20%), together with Manufacturing (19%) and Infrastructure (16%)
  • Women continue to be overrepresented in Education and Health and Welfare degree subjects compared to men, and underrepresented in STEM fields. 


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